promotion of traditional handicrafts


Government of Pakistan

Planning commission

PC-I Form

(Production sector)



Name of the Project


“Promotion of Traditional Kashmiri Handicrafts of AJ&K;”.








Muzaffarabad, Kohala-Muzaffarabad, Mangla, Mipur, Sharda Neelum, Haveli, Express-way road Islamabad to Murree and Lok Virsa-Islamabad.






Authorities responsible for

·         Sponsoring



·         Execution



·         Operation and Maintenance



·         Concerned Federal Ministry



Azad Kashmir Small Industries Corporation (AKSIC), Muzaffarabad.


Azad Kashmir Small Industries Corporation (AKSIC), Muzaffarabad.


Azad Kashmir Small Industries Corporation (AKSIC), Muzaffarabad.


Ministry of KA&GB;, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad.






Plan Provision

i)       If the project is included in the medium term/five-year plan, specify actual allocation.


ii)     If not included in the current plan, what warrants its inclusion and how is it now proposed to be accommodated.

iii)  If the project is proposed to be financed out of block provision, indicate:




The project is not included in the medium term/ five-year plan. However, the project is included in the Annual Development Program (ADP) 2020-21 with the allocation of Rs.3.000 Million.


The project is included in the Annual Development    Program (ADP) 2020-21.




Not Applicable.



(a)  Provision in the current year PSDP/ADP.


Rs.3.000 Million (Revised).







Project objectives and its

relationship with sector objectives.


Objectives of the Project:

1.   Development & promotion of Traditional Kashmiri Handicrafts & Cultural Heritage of AJ&K; through following interventions.

i.        Development of market linkages and to exhibit/Display of cultural Heritage and Handicrafts Products through establishment of Handicrafts Emporiums/Out-lets at Mangla, Kohala-Muzaffarabad, Express-way Road (Islamabad to Murree) and Lok Vrisa-Islamabad with a view to support  sustenance of Craftsmen.

ii.      Establishment of Handicrafts Development Centers (Shawl, Carpet Weaving, Chain-stitch, Wood carving, Loi-Pattu at Muzaffarabad, Khari-Sharif (adjacent areas) Mirpur, Sharda Neelum, Farward Kahuta Haveli.

iii.     Organizing exhibitions at tourist places of AJ&K; (seasonal).

iv.    Design development in Crafts of AJ&K.;

v.      Encouragement of Craftsmanship through awarding cash prizes to the best three craftsmen on annual basis.

2.      Improvement in livelihood and socio-economic conditions of the Artisans & Craftsmen.

3.      Revival of old dying Crafts.

4.      Management of local resources in value added products.

5.      Self-employment and poverty reduction.


Quantifiable objectives:






Establishment of Handicrafts Display Centers/Out-lets at Mangla, Kohala-Muzaffarabad, Express-way Road (Islamabad to Murree) and Lok Virsa-Islamabad.

Nos. of

display centers



Establishment of Handicrafts Development Centers (Shawls, Loi-pattu, chain stitch, carpet weaving and wood carving).

Nos. of Centers



Exhibitions at Tourist places in AJ&K; (seasonal).

Nos. of Exhibitions



Design Development in Crafts of AJ&K.;

Nos. of visiting days of Designers



Encouragement of Craftsmanship through awarding cash prizes to the best three craftsmen of AJ&K; on annual basis (03/year).

Nos. of Craftsmen







The main objective of Azad Kashmir Small Industries Corporation (AKSIC) is to promote small and cottage industries through market driven industrial and credit support, contributing to employment generation and socio-economic up-lift of the State. The proposed scheme would develop and promote indigenous Handicrafts with a view to provide better business opportunities to the small entreprenures/ Artisans and increase their income and financial  indepenence. The scheme is an integral part of development programme launched  for the revival of crafts on modern technology and market trends. Technical & credit support will improve the productivity, quailty of products and enhance export, which will generate growth in the economy by creating earning opportunities in the private sector. Hence, the project is  directly related to the  sector objectives.



Description, Justification, technical parameters and technology transfer aspects.


Azad Kashmir Small Industries Corporation by virtue of its charter responsible for the development and promotion of small and cottage industries. Handicrafts sector is considered to be an important segment of small and cottage industries. AKSIC is engaged to facilitate and promote indigenous Handicrafts of AJ&K.;  Handicrafts of AJ&K; are peculiar in nature and possess great potential for growth.

In Azad Jammu & Kashmir, due to Financial constraints, Handicrafts sector is facing the issues of capital for productivity & marketing. Their workshops are not equipped with latest machinery, equipments and designs. Due to which Handicrafts sector is deteriorating with the passage of time. Azad Jammu & Kashmir is rich in culture and heritage. The need of promotion of crafts is extremely essential because crafts are our identity. This project will not only revive the crafts but at the same time will improve the economic status of the craftsmen. As per mandate, AKSIC is responsible for the promotion of crafts & create conducive environment for cottage industries. So, for revival and promotion of Handicrafts sector, enhancement of productivity, strengthening of Handicrafts workshops, AKSIC intends to launch a Development Scheme titled “Promotion of Traditional Kashmiri Handicrafts of AJ&K;” to develop and promote following indigenous Handicrafts of Azad Jammu & Kashmir:-



Handicrafts products


Walnut wood carving


Carpet Weaving


Shawl Bafi, Phiren Making


Numda, Gabba, Chain Stitch


Papier Machie


Loi/Pattu Making


Traditional Kashmiri Kangri Making


Kashmiri Traditional Ladies dresses (needle work)


Other Handicrafts products


Products description

Kashmiri Carpets:

Kashmiri Carpets are made in wool and silk, most of them are woven on the cotton warp while some silk carpets have silken warp as well. The raw material inputs are chiefly cotton, wool and silk yarn dyed in the desired shade through a process exclusively traditional.

The loom used in Kashmiri carpet weaving is composed of two horizontal wooden beams between which the warp threads are stretched, one beam in front of the weaver and the second behind the first. The difference between a carpet and other hand-loom textiles lies in the fact that short lengths of thread or yarn are tied to warp chains to form the pile of the carpets. These are commonly called “knots”, though it is a loop rather than an actual knot. Very simple tools are used to make carpets in Kashmir. These include a blade to make the initial cut once it has been knotted, a wood or metal comb to push knots and weft tightly together, and a pair of short scissors to cut the carpet to an even form once it is finished. Kashmiri carpet is a craze, a connoisseur’s delight, a cherished acquisition and, above all, an intimate friend. It gives years of wears and yet provides an aura of elegance. It floors homes and yet adorns the décor.

Kashmiri Shawls:

About Kashmiri Shawls, it is said that “of all sub-continent textiles none match in beauty, color, texture and design of the famous Kashmiri Shawl”.

Kashmiri Shawls have been renowned since centuries and were favorite of French Queen, Marie Antoinette. With a long tradition of artistic excellence, the shawl is the most admired hand-made fabric of Kashmir. Shawls are produced by two techniques, loom woven or kani shawls and the needle embroidered or Sozni Shawls.

The basic fabric is of three types-Shah-Tush, Pashmina and Raffle. Shah-Tush (King of wool), the shawl that passes through a ring and is also known as Ring Shawl. It comes from a rare Tibetan antelope living at a height of over 14,000 ft. in the wilds of the Himalayas. Soft yet warm, legend goes to say that it can hatch a pigeon’s egg. Pashmina known all over the world as cashmere wool. It comes from a special goat (Capra hircus) which lives at an altitude of 12,000 ft. to 14,000 ft.

Numda/Gabba/Chain Stitch

A Numda is a piece of pressed felt made both out of wool and cotton or entirely of wool. Wool and cotton or unspun wool is evenly spread over a mat and then rolled and pressed underfoot for felting, the felted piece is then milled, washed and dried. Plain as well as embroidered Numads can be seen in the entire domestic life of Azad Kashmir.

The Numda Makes a warm, colorful and inexpensive floor covering and is also used as a mattress, where the climate is colder. Originally, the plain Numda rug came from Yarkand and was then embroidered in Kashmir. The Numda sizes range from 2x3, 3x4, 4x6, to 6x9 feet and 3x4, 5x6 ft. dia in round shape. The quality depends upon percentage of wool in the felt. Popular quality is made of 32% wool, 50% wool and 100% wool. Designs are generally styled depicting flowers and leaves, animal figures, folk life scenic views.

Gabba, a ‘Common man’s carpet’, is made of used lois or blankets which are washed, milled and dyed in various colors. Gabba making is a house hold craft in which family members, especially girls and women, help the embroiderers in stitching together pieces of used lois and giving them a backing of a waste cotton cloth, washing and dying is done indigenously.

Walnut Wood Carving:

Azad Kashmir, with its dense forests and wide variety of Walnut trees, has a rich tradition of wood carving and architecture. The strong, rich, dark and grainy wood of the walnut tree, (Juglans regia), known as dun in Azad kashmir, was considered ideal for this carved work. The fame of kashmiri wood crafts and wood carving rests on the use of Walnut Wood as raw material. The walnut plants grow at an altitude of 5500 ft. to 7500 ft. above sea level. Due to its durability and natural colour, it is regarded as most suitable both for carving and wood work. The carving is done skillfully in a variety like “Padri”-where it is not deep, see through, undercut and deep carving with indigenous tools.

A variety of articles both decorative and utilitarian, ranging from smaller items like bowls, trays, cigarette boxes, wall panels, writing desks, table lamps, screens, bed steeds, wine bars, chest of drawers, side boards and furniture etc. are crafted to meet contemporary demands. The important traditional designs are lotus, Dragon, Darbar, Rezkar, Poshkaar, as depicted below:-

Papier Machie

A French term so commonly adopted in the East as well as West and meaning “Mashed Paper”. Papier Machie is one of the most popular craft practiced in Azad Kashmir.

The first Papier Machie object produced in Kashmir were “Kalamdans”, long horizontal cases for holding pens, brushes and ink-pots, giving it the original local name of the crafts, Kari-Kalamdani, pen case work. The techniques involved in Papier Machie production are divided into two distinct categories. The first is ‘Sakhta sazi’, making the object, the second is ‘Naqashi’, painting the surface.


A combination of woven twigs around an earthen bowl, the ‘Kangri’, represents a unique and traditional, at the same time most practical and useful, handmade warming equipment. It is used in winter season. The Phiren, the Kashmiri over garment, and the ‘Kangri’, complement each other perfectly; the ‘Kangri’ is lodged conveniently within the folds of a ‘Phiren’ to absorb and contain the warmth.


Phiren (Needle Work)

Phiren a traditional Kashmiri product well known from centuries, Is made of coarse cloth and used in winter season to protect from the cold.